Friday, May 21, 2010

Lawsuit for Smoking?

When I hear shit like this, it makes me want to club these people to death with a two-foot double-headed Black Mamba (if you don’t know what this is, go to, or watch “Requiem for a Dream”).

Soooo...a jury in Broward county found in favor of a woman who sued Phillip Morris for the death of her husband. First of all, for how many fucking decades has it said directly on the box: THIS SHIT WILL FUCKING KILL YOU? If you’re old enough to think about smoking and can’t read, YOU DESERVE TO DIE FROM LUNG CANCER. Fucking idiot.

Beyond that, he started smoking when he was 13. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that if you start smoking at 13, you’re probably boosting cars and raping chickens, too. I’m sure the fact this guy died was a huge blow to the Nobel Peace Prize committee and MENSA. I’ll venture a guess that homeboy wasn’t playing chess against any supercomputers.

I’ll even do you one better, he died at 80 yrs. old. I’m gonna let that sink in a second...HE DIED AT 80 FUCKING YEARS OLD!!!! Some healthy people don’t live that long!! I’ve heard it said that only the good die young (in that case I just might live forever). If that’s the case, the guy that smokes from age 13 to 80 is DEFINITELY A HERPES SORE ON THE COCK OF SOCIETY!!!

I’m out, I have a date with a pillowcase full of kittens and a bridge...

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